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Who are we

Matrix drone shows is the new born child of Art Of Confusion and 7theaven. As specialised companies we provided numerous shows with sound, light and special effects. With this technology we want to push it even further than the existing knowledge.

How it works

The system has a full triple redundancy towards connection, and dual sensor redundancy. The GEO-cage system is approved and tested by the aviation authorities. The GEO-cage features 2 layers, a show fence and a kill fence. Most important is that the drones are real light weighted, 300 grams in total.

All the equipment runs on a UPS which can last the whole show. Setup time is reduced to the minimum due to the ingenious calibration system. The accuracy of the drones is between 3 and 10 cm, GNSS RTK positioning system, so we can fly in a tight pattern. GPS location is based on different systems (GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS, BEIDOU) External and independent safety system in case of lost connection.

The Ground Control station is scalable to cover large surfaces and difficult situations.

To fly with a swarm of drones, an authorization is needed.
Matrix droneshows is very proud to announce that we are the first Belgian drone show company that has an operating permit in the category ” specific “ to operate swarm drones. Our drones meet the highest safety standards available.

Our system is one of the most tested and reliable of the world.

A drone show at your event?

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